Quantum Computing Simulation vs Classical Computing Simulation

September 10, 2021

Quantum Computing Simulation vs Classical Computing Simulation

Quantum computing has been a buzzword in the computing industry for several years, and rightfully so. Quantum computers are capable of performing certain computations much faster than classical computers. But, how do quantum computing simulations compare to classical computing simulations?

Classical Computing Simulation

Classical computers are based on the use of binary digits, or bits, which can take on a value of either 0 or 1. A classical computer can perform computations by manipulating the values of these bits, by using logic gates. These computations can be simulated on classical computers based on the principles of binary arithmetic and Boolean algebra.

Classical computing simulation is a well-established field, and computer scientists have developed numerous algorithms and techniques for simulating and modeling classical computer systems. In classical computing simulations, the laws of physics such as electromagnetism and thermal dynamics are used to model the behavior of the computer's components, including the processor, memory, and storage.

Quantum Computing Simulation

Quantum computing, on the other hand, uses quantum bits or qubits, which have the ability to exist in multiple states simultaneously. This characteristic, known as superposition, enables quantum computers to perform certain computations much faster than classical computers. However, simulating quantum computers on classical computers is a complex task due to the nature of quantum states.

Quantum computing simulations involve the use of mathematical models and algorithms that attempt to recreate the behavior of quantum systems. These simulations are used to study the behavior of quantum systems, and to develop new quantum computing algorithms.


Quantum computing simulations are significantly more challenging than classical computing simulations. This is due to the complexity of quantum states and the laws of quantum mechanics that govern them. While classical computing simulations are based on well-established and established laws of physics, quantum computing simulations need to take into consideration the behavior of quantum states with significant accuracy.

The actual quantum computer is very sensitive to its environment, creating the need for error correction protocols, whose complexity adds to computational costs. Consequently, available quantum computers are limited in quantum bit size, with the largest ones having access to 50 qubits, while being prohibitively expensive to use for many consumers.

Overall, quantum computing simulations are significantly more computationally expensive than classical computing simulations. Even with the most favorable assumptions, simulating a quantum computer may require several hundred thousand times more computational resources than simulating classical computers.


Quantum computing simulations are more challenging and computationally expensive than classical computing simulations. Classical computing simulations are based on principles of electromagnetism, Boolean algebra, and binary arithmetic, while quantum computing simulations need to consider the complex nature of quantum states.

While quantum computing can outperform classical computing in selecting portfolio investments or simulating chemical reactions, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Particularly large-scale simulations, cryptographic problems and supply chain optimizations, are still well-served by classical computing.


  1. Teng, C., Smelyanskiy, M., & Kais, S. (2019). Challenges and opportunities of quantum computing for electronic structure calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 119(19), e25818. https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.25818
  2. Farrow, T. R., et al. (2014). Petascale high-resolution simulations of soft matter: enabling computational microscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26(22), 225102. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/26/22/225102

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